Each of the five Barnet villages is a fire district, or as they are sometimes called, a “village district.” These districts were formed by petition to the Selectboard and created to serve special purposes. Originally they primarily served the function of providing local, and therefore prompt, firefighting services – hence the title “fire district.” Their roles now vary widely, but consist primarily of providing and maintaining street lights, sidewalks, and other village assets. Below is contact and annual meeting information for each district:
- Barnet Fire District #1 (Passumpsic)
- Prudential Committee:
- Benjamin Bean
- Jeremy Thompson
- Annette Jewell
- Treasurer: Audrey Thompson
- Tax Collector: Audrey Thompson
- Clerk: Sheila Bean (acting clerk)
- Contact Person: Audrey Thompson
- Telephone: (802) 274-0675
- Email: vonneutrons@gmail.com
- Date of Annual Meeting: March 19
- Prudential Committee:
- Barnet Fire District #2 (Barnet Village)
- Prudential Committee:
- David Pedersen
- Greg Evans, Vice Chair
- Jonathan Carpenter, Chair
- Treasurer: Janice Narey
- Tax Collector: Janice Narey
- Collector of Delinquent Tax: Lisa Bowden
- Clerk: Janice Narey
- Contact Person: Jonathan Carpenter
- Telephone: (802) 633-3454
- Email: barnetfd2@gmail.com
- Date of Annual Meeting: Second Monday in January
- Prudential Committee:
- Barnet Fire District #3 (McIndoe Falls)
- Prudential Committee:
- Susan Blaisdell
- Steven Blaisdell
- Gary Thompson
- Treasurer: Susan Blaisdell
- Tax Collector: Susan Blaisdell
- Clerk: Susan Blaisdell
- Contact Person: Susan Blaisdell
- Telephone: 802-233-8757
- Email: blaisdell.susan@gmail.com
- Date of Annual Meeting: Second Tuesday in April
- Prudential Committee:
- Barnet Fire District #4 (East Barnet)
- Prudential Committee:
- Vacant
- Treasurer: Vacant
- Tax Collector: Vacant
- Clerk: Vacant
- Contact Person: Denise Stuart
- Telephone: (802) 684-1293
- Email: inwood@myfairpoint.net
- Date of Annual Meeting: Second Wednesday in May
- Prudential Committee:
- Barnet Fire District #5 (West Barnet)
- Prudential Committee:
- Jeffrey Roberts
- Joe Breidenstein
- Maurice Roberts, President
- Treasurer: Nancy Bishop
- Tax Collector: Susan Jensen
- Clerk: Susan Jensen
- Contact Person: Susan Jensen
- Telephone: (802) 633-4501
- Email: sejensenvt@gmail.com
- Date of Annual Meeting: Third Wednesday in January
- Prudential Committee: